Introduction to geospatial analysis using the GeoPandas library of Python. Rasterio 1.0.x works with Python versions 2.7.x and 3.5.0 through 3.7.x, and GDAL versions 1.11.x through 2.4.x. Rasterio reads and writes these formats and provides a Python API based on N-D arrays. Geographic information systems use GeoTIFF and other formats to organize and store gridded, or raster, datasets. A compelling thing about GeoPandas is its simple way to read a GIS vector dataset (Shapefile, GeoJson etc). This release has made massive steps in Input/Output (IO). That data is stored in a GeoPandas dataframe and shown below. Using the NDVI we generated in the previous step, we use the RasterStats library to quickly compute zonal statistics for each of the plots. Utilizing Rasterio, GeoPandas and Earthpy makes easy! Generate NDVI Zonal Statistics For Each Plot.Improvement: Support for Single-Band Images. Here I'll present a solution to the second and third points: Clipping a raster, stacked or single-band, with clipping features that extend beyond its bounds. The clipping features must be bounded within the raster.